Teverola 1 and 2 (Caserta, Italy)
Over 500,000 square meters of total area (of which 82,000 covered).
Production of lithium cells, modules and batteries for storage, electric mobility, motive power, marine and military applications. Recycling of end-of-life lithium batteries with an hydrometallurgical process.
Monterubbiano (Fermo, Italy)
Covered area 7,500 meters, outdoor area 7,000 square meters.
Production of lead acid batteries for starter applications (Starter Power - cars, motorbikes, trucks and special applications).
Monte Sant’Angelo (Foggia, Italy)
Indoor area 8,000 meters, outdoor area 6,000 square meters.
Production of lead acid batteries for Motive Power and Storage applications.
Yixing (China)
Covered area 9,000 meters, outdoor area 4,000 square meters.
Production of lead acid batteries for Motive Power applications serving the domestic market.
Alife (Caserta, Italy)
Covered area of 3,000sqm and outdoor areas of 10,000sqm.
Design and construction of plants for the recycling of end-of-life batteries.
Calitri (Avellino, Italy)
Through the subsidiary Repiombo - covered area of 8,000sqm and outdoor areas of 20,000sqm.
Recovery of end-of-life batteries and lead metallurgy.

Work with us
Strada Provinciale per Gioia - Centro Az. Quercete
81016 San Potito Sannitico (CE)
Tel. + (39) 0823 1442200
Mail. info@faam.com
FIB SPA Strada Provinciale per Gioia - Centro Az. Quercete 81016 San Potito Sannitico (CE) PI 03866680618 Cap. Soc. €8.000.000,00 © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Powered by Manita Creative