After two years of waiting, the interministerial decree for the use of the 1.7 billion euro fund to support the IPCEIs has been published.
More than EUR 500 million of this fund will be used for the reindustrialisation of the former Whirpool site in Teverola (CE), now the site of the factory active in the production of lithium ion batteries of the Faam brand of the company FIB S.p.A. (a subsidiary of Seri Industrial Group). A total of 625 people are expected to be hired for what will be one of the most important projects in southern Italy (and Europe), with a view to accelerating the Energetic Transition, which had already received the green light from the EU in 2019. Thus, the Teverola 1 project (already active), quantified at an annual production of 330 MWh, will be followed by the Teverola 2 project, quantified at an annual production of 8.5 GWh, making the first Gigafactory in southern Europe entirely Italian.
Article source: il Sole24Ore Sud, edition 23/07/2021, pag. 3